Ving Tsun Kung Fu


The System

Ving Tsun Kung Fu (pronounced Wing Chun) is an ancient Chinese martial art that was designed in times of war as a powerful military technology. We practice it in modern times to defend ourselves in the streets, as well as explore our own economy of motion, and to develop more profound relaxation.

Principles of the Art

Ving Tsun trains the martial artist in "Centerline Theory." Through forms and drills the hands are conditioned to occupy the body's centerline, the best position from which to attack and defend. Economy of motion, simultaneous attack and defense, and relaxation are also at the heart of the Ving Tsun system.

Benefits of Training

Kung fu offers a way to maintain health and fitness while learning effective self-defense.  Although the public primarily thinks of kung fu as a way of fighting, Ving Tsun also promotes personal growth, and its principles apply to all aspects of life.

The Forms

The classical exercises of Chinese Kung Fu, perfected by generations of masters since antiquity. Learned in class, practiced individually, they develop the stance, posture, techniques, and power dynamics of the fighting art.

Biu Je
Chum Kiu
Siu Nim Tao

Partnered Drills

The Ving Tsun system has a carefully constructed set of collaborative hands-on exercises in which students are partnered to practice specific techniques with varying intensity and levels of resistance. The drills enable students to condition the body and develop effective Ving Tsun reflexes, with minimal risk of injury.

Pak Sao
Pak Dar
Lop Sao
Don Chi Sao
Chi Sao

Tools of Ving Tsun